Well the Farmer and I are still anxiously awaiting our new arrival. I am about a week overdue at this point and becoming very impatient. The other day however I was out checking the barn, and couldn't help but notice some of the similarities between the pregnant ewes and myself.
It takes the ewes who are about to have lambs a great deal of effort to rise from their resting positions on the ground. You can tell that they are debating even getting up at all; whether the effort of getting up is worth whatever it is that they must get up for. They sort of pick themselves up, but it is with a considerable amount of lumbering and struggle that this is done. Once on their feet, they waddle toward the feeder in a burdensome manner as if they weigh about a million pounds, and then they plop down and don't move until necessary. Some don't even bother to stand at the feeder, they just lay down and stick their head out and lick the feed up.
Much like the ewes everything about any movement that I make seems to be a gigantic effort of monstrous proportions. Even just rolling over in bed at 41 weeks pregnant seems like a climb to the top of Everest. I never thought that I would be able to relate so much to a sheep in my life, yet here I am comparing my struggles as a pregnant woman to that of a 5 month pregnant ewe.
I suppose it should come as no surprise that there are similarities considering we are both mammals but I still find it funny how nature works. So here I sit, still waiting for our baby to come, just like the ewes in the barn await their babies. All is quiet in both the barn and the house... for now.