Thursday 12 October 2017

Too Long!

It seems that it has been an extremely busy summer. I have neglected my writing for several months now :s   To be fair however, The Farmer and I found out in March that we were expecting a little farmer to join our family and so I have been busily preparing for this little ones arrival.

The Farmer has also been quite busy trying to get things ready in the barn. Seeing as I am not of much help to him these days he has more to do to get things prepared for the lambs that will be arriving in November just ahead of our own Jr Farmer.

In fact just the other morning the Farmer came into the house and stated 'guess what I found in the barn'. Concerned I cautiously asked what? 'A lamb,' he proclaimed. Now this is all fine and dandy except that we were not expecting this ewe to have a lamb until at least December.. he is two months early in case you were wondering. When I asked how this could have happened, the Farmer gave me a look that only he can; one that says 'come on do I really have to explain this to you', and then he patiently replied 'clearly the ram had some fun earlier than we thought'. And that was that.

So now the Farmer has to be on the look out for new lambs everyday in the barn. Seeing as at this point he is a little unsure of when the rest of them will arrive. And so we wait for them to enter this world, just as we patiently wait for our own little one to arrive. My only hope is that the ewes will be done lambing by the time our Jr. Farmer decides to arrive, or else it could be a very interesting next month and a half. For now however things are quiet, and the Farmer and I and the dog continue to await the inevitable arrival of the animals and our baby!

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