Monday 19 February 2018


The last couple of months have been a complete blur. We now have a 2 month old Junior Farmer at our house who keeps us pretty busy. Meanwhile in the barn we are having a lambsplosion right now so that in itself is crazy.

Having a baby with a dog is consistently interesting. The other day while the baby was laying on the floor in his play mat the dog thought that it would be a good time to teach the baby how to play fetch. He brought his toy over to the baby and put it down beside the baby's head. Then he sat back and stared at the Junior Farmer trying to get him to throw it! You can imagine how this went and with some gentle nudging the dog in turn persuaded me to throw it on the baby's behalf. He later attempted the same thing with a lamb that we had in the house... sadly with the same results.

Having a baby during lambing is also consistently interesting. Gone are the days of running out to the barn 'quick' to check on everything. Now to go out to the barn I have to bundle up Junior in his winter gear, put him in his stroller (which he screams about), and then trek off to the barn.  Then when I get to the barn I have to try and take care of lambs while keeping an eye on the baby. Which is a lot easier said than done... On top of all of this some of the lambs have had to be brought into the house to be bottle fed and warm up. The problem with this is that we keep them in a large box and eventually the lambs discover that they can escape.

Today for example, when Junior and I got home today and I opened the door, both the dog and a lamb ran out to greet me! I have to admit that I was a little surprised to see the lamb run out the door, so when the Farmer got home, I told him it was time the lamb go back out to the barn. When the lambs can escape the box, they are well enough to go to the barn!

All in all learning to juggle everything has been an interesting experience over the last 2 months but I wouldn't trade it for anything! The Farmer and Junior and I are getting along nicely and we can't wait for spring!

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