Tuesday 19 January 2016

In the Beginning

When I was young, if you would have asked me if I would marry a farmer, I would have laughed in your face. I never expected to marry at all for that matter, and yet here I am. I suppose when you meet the right person they can change your mind about certain things. Although I grew up in a rural community, I never lived on a farm, and had been to an actual farm maybe only half a dozen times. Although my father was raised on a dairy farm he never continued farming and so I was raised quite removed from the farm experience. Needless to say when I first started going to the farm with my husband it was quite an interesting experience. I was bombarded by new smells (most were not so pleasant), and new sounds (I challenge you not to laugh when you hear a ewe for the first time), yet I felt quite comfortable in this new setting. I can imagine my husband and his cousin (who he farms with) getting very much annoyed, with the amount of questions I asked the first year. I felt like a 6 year old following their mother or father around constantly asking 'Why?'. But alas, here I am a few years later the wife of a farmer. I have to admit that I am very much enjoying it. Although I am going to school still, I find that the farm gives me a sense of purpose and it distracts me from the stresses of school and life. It is a more simple lifestyle and it gives you a sense of accomplishment. The beauty of the farm life (among other things) is that I get to see my husband 'Macgyver' just about everything around here into something useful. Often times I find myself wondering how he came up with certain ideas, but then I look at his father who is a creative man, and I find myself then wondering how I lived without certain things. Needless to say between my husband, our dog and the many animals that I come into contact with on a daily basis, I often cannot stop myself from laughing uncontrollably at the things I see or hear. Although there is often much work to be done, this life I have found myself submersed in, is a fulfilling and beautiful one, and quite humorous to boot. These are my stories, and how living the farm life has changed me for the better.

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