Friday 22 January 2016

Puppy Mischief

I've come to realize something about having a lamb in my living room.. it's a pain in the butt! The issue is not so much the lamb itself but rather where she has inhabited... the dog's crate. This becomes a problem because the dog now has free reign over the living room and the kitchen, while my husband and I are at work through the day. My experience with this type of situation tells me that it is not a good thing. Before I left for work every morning this week I had pushed everything back on the counters, removed anything I thought that he would damage and made sure all the doors were shut. As I came to find out, that didn't matter much.
On the first day when I got home from work, I found pieces of fabric scattered all over the floor in the living room. He had chewed holes in two blankets... for this he was smacked. The blankets were then removed from the couch and put in a secure, undisclosed location.
On the second day when I got home from work, again there were more pieces of fabric strewn around the living room. This time it was from the towel that had been put in the crate with the lamb.. at least I assume that's what it was, as all the pieces were so small that you could no longer call it a towel but more of a rag. For this the dog was smacked, and the towels were removed from the crate.
On the third day when I got home from work, I found a mat laying in the middle of the living room with a very large hole in it. I picked this up and out of the corner of my eye noticed that he had found a new chew toy.... the rocking chair. We now own a rocking chair that is missing part of one of the rockers on the bottom. For this the dog was smacked (quite hard I might add). Not only did I smack him but when my husband got home and saw what he had done he was sent outside with a swift kick in the a$$.
This left us with a dilemma, the only thing left for the dog to chew was our couches and numerous cords for the TV. We sat down and thought about our options, but ultimately came to the conclusion that we would give him one more chance.
On the fourth day when I got home from work, I was expecting the worst. I sat in my car for a few minutes before I entered the house, mentally preparing myself for the war zone that awaited me. When I walked through the door the dog greeted me, tail wagging, as if to say "I was good today mom" and then he led me into the living room... where everything was as I had left it in the morning.
Now you can imagine with the past couple of days being utter destruction that I was a little shell shocked and doubtful. I searched the room high and low to see what he had done, but I came up with nothing! I couldn't believe it, he had actually left everything intact!
On the fourth night the lamb went back to the barn, and the dog got his crate back. My house is back to being the way it was, and all is well in the house.... for now.

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