Sunday 6 March 2016

A Farmer in his Natural Habitat

I've decided that the farmer is a very curious creature. He gets up at the crack of dawn to tend to the animals, or sow seed. He comes home late at night, after making sure that all the creatures are fed and taken care of. He works hard all day, in the hot sun or the blistering cold. Farmers know or know of, every other farmer for concessions around, and they know who owned the farm before. They give you directions by telling you to go past so and so's field, or what's-his-name's feedlot. Farmer's go on crop tours, to see how everyone else's fields are doing.

I have seen my husband, the farmer, take a newborn lamb and nurse it back to health. I have seen him upset, ticked off and frustrated because he couldn't save an animal. I have seen him so tired that he can barely keep his eyes open and yet he somehow musters the energy to go and check on the flock.

Farmers can change tires, plow fields, get kicked by cows, get spit on and pooped on, and yet still have a gentle touch when it comes to a wounded animal. They grow food, they give up time with their family so that others can spend supper with theirs, and they get little to no thanks for it.

It seems to me that farmers are capable of almost anything. They are kind, strong and caring, they take pride in what they do, and they do it because they love it. Farmers do what they do because they love it. They love being in nature, they love the animals that they care for, and they grew up knowing that all they ever wanted to be was a farmer. They are indeed very curious creatures, and yet I happen to be married to one, so I suppose that makes me a bit of a curious creature myself.

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